In November 2016 I took part in Masterclasses am Brillantengrund in Wien, a workshop organised by atelier Olschinsky. My group was lectured by swedish illustrator Mattias Adolfsson and with all workshop members we had such a great time. Here are some selected illustrations we did as exercises.

Visiting Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.

Isometric city drawing exercise.

City zoomed

Ideal illustrator pens.

Crowded scene excercise

Tattoos tell a story of its owner

Our class in portrait
In bottom center Mattias Adolfsson, than counterclockwise : Gerhard Schellert, Peter Diamond, Artuur Vandekerckhove, Anna Tsocheva, Samy Challah, Klaudia Gottwald, Lotte Wagner, Ari Plikat, Daniel Spacek