I had the honor to illustrate for my beloved podcast Twenty Thousand Hertz.
This illustration was for re-air of Imaginary Worlds podcast by Eric Molinsky about constructed languages.
This illustration was for re-air of Imaginary Worlds podcast by Eric Molinsky about constructed languages.
Listen to podcast here: https://www.20k.org/episodes/conlang

Initial concept sketches, togetheter with Casey Emmerling, the story producer from Twenty Thousand Hertz, we have picked the first creative.

Transfering idea to more polished geometric style

Initially I was planning to produce more bold and inked version with comics bubbles in each languages, but at the end we have decided to skip them and style shifted to more flat styled illustration to stay in podcasts usual illustrations.

1 .Klingon: Today is a good day to die
2. Elvish: Ring ring.
3. Dothraki: Where is my horse

Listen to Twenty Thousand Hertz, it is a really great brain food for creative people.