February daily drawing challenge on subject
World 100 years from now.
Welcome to the year 2117, the world of tomorrow.
It has been super fun drawing, once again I have experienced an enhancement of style and deeper thinking approach to images.
World 100 years from now.
Welcome to the year 2117, the world of tomorrow.
It has been super fun drawing, once again I have experienced an enhancement of style and deeper thinking approach to images.

Flying cars upgraded term "traffic jam" to an advanced level.

Agumented reality is solving all food issues.

When Smart-suits reached IQ level 83, they succesfuly replaced officials, tax office stuff and lawyers.

2117 - Finalists of annual Genetically modified haircuts contest

When animals started to work for even less money than robots, once again it brought massive unemployment.

Every kid dreams about this building kit. In stores 2117. Batteries not included.

Czech Tourist Club on Mars was founded by group of patriots around Ing. Jaroslav Tichy. First scenery-rich marked hiking route measured 12 km along Valles Marineris.

Make nature great again.

Living in cities started to be fun again once building comitees were squated by architects of Infantile Surreal movement.

To live in a countryside village was allways preffered choice for people who needed escape from the rush of the metropolis.

With implementing time machine into lectures, history lessons are more intense than ever before.

Living in orbital suburbs is gaining popularity amongst middle class citizens.

xbtqdr ghtbdsrw ktpldswq mnhfkt !

Restaurant 100 years from now

There are no living rooms in 2117

Living in experimental housing estate, built in 2060's was popular among Neo neo hipsters in 2117.

Next please...

At last he reached Cryo Deck B where Princess was asleep.

Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas, 1914-1953
Dylan Thomas, 1914-1953

We are all astronauts.
Thank you for watching.
Follow my Instagram account for more daily imagery https://www.instagram.com/danielspacek/